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ASCC 2022 offers two half-day workshops ....
2022-04-14 17:27
ASCC 2022 offers two half-day workshops (hybrid workshops, Zoom) on May 7 (Sat) addressing current hot topics in control systems. One is ‘Control of Soft Wearable Robots’ (9:00 am – 12:00 am), in which five experts from Korea and USA will present and discuss on the key idea and leading-edge technologies about soft wearable robots. The other one is ‘Guidance and Control of a Space Launch Vehicle: an Overview’ (9:00 am – 10:50 am), in which Prof. J. Ahn (KAIST, Korea) will explain overview concepts and recent Korean government experiences about space launch vehicles.
This will be a good chance to learn key technologies and widen your view for current interesting research topics, as well as graduate students and researchers education.
If you want to participate in these workshops, you can register separately (or all together) at the ‘Online Registration’ of ASCC 2022 website (Regular US$100 or KRW 110,000, Student US$50 or KRW 55,000) until May 6, 2022 (However, prompt registration is appreciated because of the workshop preparation).
This will be a good chance to learn key technologies and widen your view for current interesting research topics, as well as graduate students and researchers education.
If you want to participate in these workshops, you can register separately (or all together) at the ‘Online Registration’ of ASCC 2022 website (Regular US$100 or KRW 110,000, Student US$50 or KRW 55,000) until May 6, 2022 (However, prompt registration is appreciated because of the workshop preparation).